"Discos que recopilan los sonidos grabados por la sonda espacial Voyager que surgen de la interacción del viento solar con la magnetosfera de los planetas. En el espacio no se propaga el sonido porque no hay aire, pero las ondas electromagnéticas de estas interacciones se pueden grabar y despues reproducir y escuchar en la tierra."
"This is a collection of audio sensor data from the Voyager probe as it cruised out of our solar system. This comes from a 5 CD set from Laserlight that is no longer available. Each track is from one CD. Enjoy the true sounds of space as interpreted by our crude instruments. The only thing missing is Bowman's heavy breathing. "Soundsfrom the interaction of the Solar Wind with the magnetosphere of Planets, Moons and Rings of Planets In Our Solar System. In 1990, we made the Symphonies of the Planets series from raw, uncataloged space sounds data as a promotional series... We did not go through the lengthy process to document specific planets, moons or rings. Rather we selected random information from the raw data and processed it to produce Symphonies of the Planets. However, all sounds are Space Sounds. There are no engine sounds from the spaceprobes."
"This is a collection of audio sensor data from the Voyager probe as it cruised out of our solar system. This comes from a 5 CD set from Laserlight that is no longer available. Each track is from one CD. Enjoy the true sounds of space as interpreted by our crude instruments. The only thing missing is Bowman's heavy breathing. "Soundsfrom the interaction of the Solar Wind with the magnetosphere of Planets, Moons and Rings of Planets In Our Solar System. In 1990, we made the Symphonies of the Planets series from raw, uncataloged space sounds data as a promotional series... We did not go through the lengthy process to document specific planets, moons or rings. Rather we selected random information from the raw data and processed it to produce Symphonies of the Planets. However, all sounds are Space Sounds. There are no engine sounds from the spaceprobes."
3 comentarios:
Increíble!!!... hacer un par de meses estuve buscando este CD por todas partes (en realidad por un tema astronómico-didáctico, más que por algo musical), y la única parte donde se podía encontrar algún rastro era por eBay, que buena.... desconozco por que razón lo agregaste a tu completisima, ecléctica y variada galería, pero como sea MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!
wena patron, tremendo aporte!
el otro dia estubimos tocando con un amigo sonidos espaciales y nos bajamos este asunto, casi nos tiramos por la ventana, aunque estabamos en un primer piso!
Excelente .. conseguir lso doce originales seria una proeza pero estos 5 funcionan excelente
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